Hacking is the act of penetrating computer systems to gain knowledge about the system and how it works. Hacking is illegal because we demand free access to ALL data, and we get it. This pisses people off and we are outcasted from society, and in order to stay out of prison, we must keep our status of being a hacker/phreaker a secret. We can't discuss our findings with anyone but other members of the hacking/phreaking community for fear of being punished. We are punished for wanting to learn. Why is the government spending huge amounts of time and money to arrest hackers when there are other much more dangerous people out there. It is the murderers, rapists, terrorists, kidnappers, and burglers who should be punished for what they have done, not hackers. We do NOT pose a threat to anyone. We are NOT out to hurt people or there computers. I admit that there are some people out there who call themselves hackers and who deliberately damage computers. But these people are criminals, NOT hackers. I don't care what the government says, we are NOT criminals. We are NOT trying to alter or damage any system. This is widely misunderstood. Maybe one day people will believe us when we say that all we want is to learn. There are only two ways to get rid of hackers and phreakers. One is to get rid of computers and telephones, in which case we would find other means of getting what we want.(Like that is really going to happen.) The other way is to give us what we want, which is free access to ALL information. Until one of those two things happen, we are not
going anywhere.
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